Map 516c Adopted

On October 2, 2023, the City Council adopted map 516c as the new by-district elections map for the 2024 and future Council elections.

You can view the map in the interactive review map or see the map, its demographics and the adopted election sequence in PDF.

This site is preserved for archive purposes.


The draft maps considered during the process are listed below. The most detailed way to view each draft map is using the interactive review map. The link takes you to a website where you can view all of the maps and zoom in and out to see the map details.

Click the map number in the table below to see the PDF map, proposed election sequence &  district by district demographics.

Note: The names listed in the “proposed election sequence” section of each PDF map indicate which current Councilmembers reside in each district. In some cases the end of each Councilmember’s current terms in office match the year each district is proposed to hold its election, but in some cases they do not match.

Focus Maps

On August 29th, the City Council held a public hearing to gather public feedback on the draft maps. Following that hearing, the Council selected maps as “focus maps” for the upcoming forums and hearings. The “b” and “c” versions are modifications of the original draft maps drawn to incorporate Council requests made at the hearing.

  • Focus Map 508b (Map 508 with the generally undeveloped area north of Douglas moved into District 4)
  • Focus Map 508c (Map 508 with the generally undeveloped area north of Douglas moved into District 2 up to Folsom Blvd, and the area north of Folsom Blvd moved to District 4, with a small population-balancing change between Districts 4 and 5)
  • Focus Map 511
  • Focus Map 516b (keeps Districts 1 and 2 from Map 516, then uses the Map 508b versions of Districts 3 through 5) Sequencing updated 9/14/2023
  • Focus Map 516c (keeps Districts 1 and 2 from Map 516, then uses the Map 508c versions of Districts 3 through 5) Sequencing updated 9/14/2023

New Maps

Maps received after the August 29th Council hearing, which as a result will be considered for the first time at the September 18th hearing:


Prior Maps

Map Date Posted Notes
501 8/22/2023 Not Population Balanced
502 8/22/2023
503 8/22/2023
504 8/22/2023 Not Population Balanced
505 8/22/2023
506 8/22/2023
507 8/22/2023 Same as 506
508 8/22/2023
509 8/22/2023
510 8/22/2023 Same as 509
511 8/22/2023
512 8/22/2023 Not Population Balanced
513 8/22/2023
514 8/22/2023
515 8/22/2023 FAIR MAPS Act concern (split neighborhoods)
516 8/22/2023
517 8/22/2023
518 8/22/2023
519 8/22/2023 Not Population Balanced
520 8/22/2023 FAIR MAPS Act concern (split neighborhoods)
601 8/22/2023
602 8/22/2023 Same as 601
603 8/22/2023
604 8/22/2023
605 8/22/2023 FAIR MAPS Act concern (split neighborhoods)
606 8/22/2023 Not Population Balanced
607 8/22/2023
701 8/22/2023
702 8/22/2023
703 8/22/2023 FAIR MAPS Act concern (split neighborhoods)
704 8/22/2023
705 8/22/2023 Not Population Balanced
706 8/22/2023